The Scales:
3rd Editions
Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale - Third Edition (ECERS-3)
The third edition of the ECERS is designed to assess the quality of care for center-based programs serving children ages 3-5. The ECERS-3 published 2015, is the second major revision of this scale, with the original scale published in 1980 and a second edition (ECERS-R) published in 1998.
Click here for a document highlighting key differences to consider when moving from the ECERS-R and ECERS-3.​​​​​​
Family Child Care Environment Rating Scale - Third Edition (FCCERS-3)
The third edition of the FCCERS is designed to assess the quality of care for home-based programs for children from birth through age 12. The FCCERS-3 published 2019, is the second major revision of this scale, with the original scale published in 1989 and a second edition (FCCERS-R) published in 2007. ​​
Click here for a document highlighting key differences to consider when moving from the FCCERS-R and FCCERS-3.
Infant/Toddler Environment Rating Scale - Third Edition (ITERS-3)
The third edition of the ITERS is designed to assess the quality of care for center-based programs serving children birth through age 2. The ITERS-3 published 2017, is the second major revision of this scale, with the original scale published in 1990 and a second edition (ITERS-R) published in 2003.
Click here for a document highlighting key differences to consider when moving from the ITERS-R and ITERS-3.
School-Age Care Environment Rating Scale - Updated Edition (SACERS-U)
The updated edition of the SACERS is designed to assess the quality of programs for school-age children (ages 5-12), during out-of-school time (e.g. before/after school care). The SACERS-U published 2014, is an updated version of the original scale published in 1996.
More information on the older editions of the scales
(ECERS-R, ITERS-R, FCCERS-R) can be found here
What's the difference between the Revised (R's) and the 3rd editions?
Revised (R's) Editions:
Focuses more on materials and classroom arrangement.
Based off 3-hour observation and post-observation interview questions.
Optional parent and staff section.
Access to materials is determined by "substantial portion of the day" and "much of the day".
Provisions for children with disabilities included in 4 items in Program Structure.
3rd Editions:
Greater focus on teaching and interaction in regard to materials.
Based entirely on the 3-hour observation; no post-interviews.
Parent and staff section not included.
Access to materials is determined either by specific time requirements (ECERS-3) or assessing lapses in access to materials based on ages and abilities (ITERS-3 and FCCERS-3).
Provisions for children with disabilities incorporated into items throughout the scales.
Curriculum resources
All About
This comprehensive two volume curriculum set, designed for all preschoolers was written by Debby Cryer, a leading expert in the field of early childhood and one of the authors of the Environment Rating Scales, along with five other members of the ERSI team: Cathy Riley, Tracy Link, Lisa Waller, Keisha Neal, and Vanessa McCullough. The curriculum meets ECERS™ standards with more than 650 pages and over 600 illustrative photographs and several curriculum plans. Based on many years of developmental research and appropriate learning theory, it has been carefully designed to be used in preschool classrooms and includes time-proven successful practices. This curriculum is academically enriched, reinforcing cognitive skill development, science, math and social studies, through meaningful content around standards of learning.
all about resources
The All About resource guides give detailed information on scale items and indicators, along with photographs taken in early childhood programs. It will help you use the ERS to accurately assess early learning environments in the areas of cognitive, language, social-emotional, and physical development, as well as health and safety standards.